Travel — Australia

apollo bay surfing

#8 Australia Trip May 2024 Apollo Bay, VIC

Day 12 Great Ocean Road, Victoria I arrived in Melbourne last night and found the first hotel that had a bathtub —score!  Driving in a big, unfamiliar city was a bit nerve-wracking, but I made it here safely. The Great Ocean Road has been on my bucket list since I first saw a picture of the "12 Apostles" back when I was living in Cairns in 2017. Finally, I made it! On my first day, I stopped by Apollo Bay to check out a couple of waterfalls. The hike to get to them was only a mile or two, but man,...

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#7 Australia Trip May 2024 Last day of Western Australia

#7 Australia Trip May 2024 Last day of Western Australia

Day 11 Last day of Western Australia and leaving to Melbourne Since my second sea lion tour was canceled, I had a lot of time this morning before heading to the airport. I decided to stop by Wedge Island Point, a white sand beach that a few people had recommended to me.While following the GPS, I started to wonder if the road was okay for a 2WD vehicle—maybe I needed a 4WD? I actually got stuck in the sand for a bit, but I managed to get out. When I was flying my drone, some locals came over to talk...

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#6 Australia Trip May 2024 Jurien Bay, Western Australia

#6 Australia Trip May 2024 Jurien Bay, Western Australia

Still Day 11 Jurien Bay, WA View this post on Instagram A post shared by Akima Kai Ocean Art (@akima_kai_ocean) After a freezing fun swim with Australian sea lions, I returned to the hotel around 11 am. I indulged in the longest hot shower. Not wanting to waste any time, I decided to drive a bit north towards Green Head. Although I wanted to find the beach where I took a stunning sunset picture 15 years ago, featuring a huge rock with a hole, I had no clue where it was, so I didn't bother trying to locate it. However,...

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#5 Australia Trip May 2024 Jurien Bay, Western Australia

#5 Australia Trip May 2024 Jurien Bay, Western Australia

I stayed in Carnarvon, the next town south of Exmouth, located 379 km (230 miles) away. This place was just a stop to sleep, as I needed to drive eight hours the next day to reach my final destination in Western Australia. Day 10 Jurien Bay, WA I left Carnarvon around 8 am and embarked on another long drive. The weather was good, with clear blue skies. I saw a lot of roadkill kangaroos, which made me feel really sorry for them. Some were dead in the middle of the highway, so you need to watch out. While they’re not...

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