Akima Kai Ocean Art Blog
News — Ocean News
Mastering the Challenges of Underwater Photography
Diving Deeper: Mastering the Challenges of Underwater Photography The allure of capturing the ethereal beauty of the underwater world is undeniable. From playful dolphins to vibrant coral reefs, the ocean holds a treasure trove of subjects waiting to be immortalized. However, unlike familiar land photography, underwater photography presents a unique set of challenges that can leave aspiring photographers with less-than-ideal results. Don't be discouraged! This comprehensive guide delves into the five key challenges you'll encounter underwater and equips you with the knowledge to overcome them, transforming your photos from blurry disappointments to awe-inspiring masterpieces. Gearing Up for Success: Essential Equipment...
Do you know the loneliest whale "52-herts whale"?
April 10, 2024 The 52-hertz whale, also known as the loneliest whale in the world, refers to an individual whale that has been tracked since the late 1980s due to its unique vocalizations. Unlike most whales, which typically vocalize at frequencies ranging from 15 to 25 hertz, this particular whale produces calls at a much higher frequency of around 52 hertz. This unusual frequency has garnered attention from scientists and the public alike, leading to speculation about its origins and significance. Here are some key points to cover in a blog post about the 52-hertz whale: Discovery and Tracking: The...
The Immensity of Earth's Oceans: Exploring Their Size and Vast Water Resources
April 9, 2024 The oceans of our planet are awe-inspiring in their sheer scale, covering vast expanses of Earth's surface and holding unimaginable amounts of water. In this blog post, we will delve into the immense size of Earth's oceans and quantify their volume in gallons, providing a perspective on the staggering amount of water that defines our blue planet. Size of Earth's Oceans Earth is often referred to as the "Blue Planet" due to its abundant water features, primarily represented by the world's oceans. The total area covered by Earth's oceans is approximately 361 million square kilometers (139 million...
The Salty Seas: Exploring the Origins of Ocean Salinity
April 8, 2024 Why is the Ocean Salty? The ocean's salinity, or saltiness, is primarily due to the accumulation of dissolved salts over millions of years. When rain falls on the land, it carries along tiny amounts of dissolved minerals, including salts like sodium chloride (table salt). These minerals are transported by rivers and streams, eventually reaching the ocean. Once in the ocean, these salts accumulate because water evaporates from the surface, leaving the salts behind. This process has been ongoing for billions of years, resulting in the ocean's current salinity levels. The most abundant salt in seawater is sodium...
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